Search My Route

Q1.What is a Search My Route?

The route and required time on the Metropolitan Expressway from a point of departure of your choice to the destination are provided based on real-time traffic information. Furthermore, on highways other than the Metropolitan Expressway managed by other companies, the required time based on speed limits is provided.
Use together with the Traffic Conditions Map for road congestion and traffic control conditions.

Q2.How should I use real-time route search effectively?

Use as criteria for route selection.

Fastest route Fastest route is always displayed in the route search results.
The route with the fastest drive time.
Shortest route The route with the shortest driving distance.
Route with transits
(if designated)
Only displayed when the transit location is designated.
A customized route with a maximum of 3 designated transit locations.
Route through the Inner Circular Route
Route through the Central Circular Route
Displayed when the Inner Circular Route (ICR) from the northbound outer Central Circular Route (CCR) and the route via the Central Circular Route (CCR) compete, and for the long distance travel route passing through the southbound outer Central Circular Route (CCR).
Use as criteria for comparatively choosing the ICR and CCR route.

Using "Search My Route"

Q3.How should I specify route search criteria?

Q4.What are routes with designated transit location?

Routes with a specified transit location pass through designated transit locations on the main route, and have the shortest required time.
The transit locations go in the order of transit location 1 → transit location 2 → transit location 3. If the destination cannot be reached by going through the transit locations in order, the following comment is displayed without displaying a route with designated transit location.
"No routes were found that pass through the transit point."
*Points with designated transit location can be chosen by entry/exit point name, and can be designated regardless of the entrance/exit direction.
Furthermore, since connections with highways other than the Metropolitan Expressway cannot be chosen as a transit location, choose a nearby entry/exit point instead.

Q5.How to use the "⇔" button

Click "⇔" to swap the point of departure and destination designated in the search criteria.
Designation of a transit location will continue in reverse even when searching by "⇔".

About search results

Q6.Criteria for using adjacent entry/exit points

Some entry/exit points on the Metropolitan Expressway can only be used in one direction.
For example, since the Sankeien exit on the Bayshore Route can only be used eastbound, you cannot get off in the Tokyo direction.
If the destination cannot be reached from the point of departure using the Metropolitan Expressway (including nearby connection roads on the map), it will display a route using an adjacent entry/exit point.

Q7.How to view "Route description"

Click on "view route details" in the route description on the left side of the search results page to expand the detailed route from the point of departure to the destination, and display a route outline from the point of departure to the destination, from start to end.
The time displayed on the left is for JCT (junction) or time required to pass through an important transit location, and the time displayed at the center shows the time required to cross a particular section of the route.

Q8.The meaning of green, orange, red, and gray displayed on the map

The color display shown on the map indicates the following traffic conditions.
■Green - Smooth (40km/h and above)
■Orange - Congested (between 20km/h and 40km/h)
■Red - Traffic jam (less than 20km/h)
■Gray - Roads other than the Metropolitan Expressway

Caution and related sites

  • Unavailable nearby entry/exit points
    The exit in the direction of travel may not be available even if the combination of entrance and exit are geographically close, on grounds of road structure or restrictions based on the Road Traffic Act.
  • About required time
    This service provides the required time based on real-time road traffic information in the Metropolitan Expressway section.
    Road traffic information provided by this service is basically updated every 1 minutes after receiving information provided by the Japan Road Traffic Information Center (henceforth, JARTIC).
    Therefore, the following info may differ from actual traffic control and road/traffic conditions.
    1. There is a delay of a few minutes before actual traffic control and road/traffic conditions are provided on this site as road traffic information.
    2. Traffic controls and road/traffic conditions at the time of display may differ from the current on-site conditions due to changes in traffic conditions.
    Furthermore, on highways other than the Metropolitan Expressway managed by other companies, the required time based on speed limits is provided.
  • Closed entry/exit points for tollbooth construction
    Some entry/exit points are unavailable for a long time to facilitate safe tollbooth construction.
  • About replaying videos
    The signboards on the video (image) may differ from the signboards placed on the highway.
    We request you to drive safely according to actual identification and traffic standards.
    The video has no audio.
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    ・Standard browser (Chrome) of Android OS 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0
    ■ iOS
    ・Standard browser (safari) of iOS11 and later
  • The "do not block cookie" setting is required to use the real-time route search function on the latest version of Safari.
    Try the following setting techniques.
    (1) Open [Settings]→[Privacy].
    (2) Choose "Disable" in the "Block cookie" options.